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Collect All Five Baman Piderman Teasers!

added on October 10, 2012

Remember when you were a little kid and you begged your mom for a Happy Meal just to collect the cheap (actually pretty awesome and slightly dangerous) toys that came in every box? Well we aren't your mum and we don't have time for the drive-thru right now jeeze, so snap out of your nostalgic daydreams about the halcyon days of mouth burger stuffing.

Just kidding..... (about the not having time part, let's go right now).

{C}We want to bring back the “Collect All 5” - so in order to hype the GIGANTIC Baman Piderman Halloween Special on October 24th we’re releasing 5 different teasers during the next two weeks. What's the catch? We’re giving you this first teaser for free - but the next four you have to find Easter egg style. That's right! We’ll be posting each teaser on a different social media channel- so, if you want to see all 5- get off your adorable little internet butt and find them.

Watch the blog at for the next clue, have fun and get HYPED for Baman Piderman’s “Ghost Night” on October 24th!