Hey everyone! Guy Collins here, trying to sell you the awesome Kaizo Trap Download Pack. Thanks for supporting me all these years, you guys have been the best, most patient fans anyone could ask for :] With your support I hope to be animating for years to come!
The Kaizo Trap ® Revenue Enhancement Pack contains the following items:
3x Kaizo Trap Poster
2x Kaizo Trap Secret Ending
2x Leslie Wai Mp3
1x Kaizo Trap Instruction Manual
The Revenue Enhancement Pack also contains the following peripheral items:
1x RBZ Secret Episode A - "Redacted"
1x RBZ Secret Comic - "Adventure"
1x RBZ Poster
5 DRM-Free Downloads for each file per purchase.
maheboc377 4 years ago
◄ WORK AT HOME ► My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour…. for more info visit any tab this site Thanks a lot. Copy Here............ https://www.Usd.Works68.Com
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Aidan Torres 4 years ago
can i still buy this
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Kriov 4 years ago
I Love your works
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Misantrope 5 years ago
How can I play this game? I love this genre, but I can't find it please help me;d
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Jonathan 5 years ago
The pack is the game? or a animation and music from the game?
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David Lopez Owo 6 years ago
¿el paquete el digital o físico?
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HNKAK 6 years ago
Если я заплачу $5, я смогу уже скачать игру, не так ли?
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KSEPA 6 years ago
нет, это не игра, ты получишь плакаты, концовки, музыку в mp3 формате и инструкцию, которую держала главная героиня с начале видео, ну и еще пару штук по "raised by zombies"
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Gage M Patoine 7 years ago
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Mr.Knight 7 years ago
I love you'r work ! Here's 5 more dollars to help you in our Journey ! Never give up !!
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Eric_Lian 7 years ago
Good work!
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Quitch 7 years ago
The first poster appears to be corrupt and needs to be reuploaded.
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冰雪飘零 8 years ago
I purchased the pack , how can download?
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Acol Mark 8 years ago
If this is real game. How can DL it?
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Acol Mark 8 years ago
Is this a real game? Or just an animation.
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QereweYT 6 years ago
Just an animation
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Mark Lee 8 years ago
I purchased the pack but the link to download it failed...
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Mark Lee 8 years ago
I received another email which has the download link. No worries!
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