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Dee Tremendous: Episode 4 - The Escalator

added on May 20, 2015

I’m taking Manjeet to celebrate his graduation. Nothing like watching a movie with your buddy and eating a lot…A LOT of popcorn.


When we get out and get on the escalator, I see someone I know…



Yes! THAT Tammy. The one I’ve been “all up on” since episode 1. Like that?


All up on.


I’m hip now.


And does she look amazing or what? What a stunning princess. A beautiful, slender, wondrous smile. Wondrous? That’s a weird way to describe a smile. But whatever, you get the idea.


Being stuck behind the girl you like on an escalator when she’s on a date isn’t fun. Time seems like it goes on and on and on. But wait till you see the end of this episode, I think you’ll be in for a surprise.


Next time, I’m taking the stairs.


………actually no. Still escalator.