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added on October 03, 2012

If you’re standing you may want to sit down, And if you’re sitting then GET THE F*** UP AND GET HYPED because Mondo’s new site launches today! We created because we wanted to give our fans (YOU) a place to hang-out with like-minded people (HANDSOME, INTELLIGENT, TASTE-MAKERS). What’s more, it’s also a place to connect fans to the crazy talented animators who produce our stuff (CLOSET NARCISSISTS WHO CRAVE YOUR ATTENTION).


Visitors to the site can also get early access to videos from Happy Tree Friends, Dick Figures, Gundarr and all the rest, as well as exclusive behind the scenes content that all those regular jerks don’t even get to see. You'll be like the 1%, but the 1% of knowing about awesome internet sh*t first before all those Joe Schmoes do. "I'm watching Mondo stuff you sheep don't even know about yet!" you'll scream, as you blow by them in your diamond encrusted Ferrari/Harrier Jet*.
Our expanded gaming area will also have games in flash AND HTML5, so you can enjoy them on your iPad and iPhone without Steve Jobs’ ghost showing up to tell you that you're being a dick for disrupting his App Store’s business model. And hey - even Steve Job’s ghost could appreciate our plans for iOS/Android mobile experiences, localized/international experiences and show based forums. Oh, did we mention THE MERCHANDIZE STORE?! Well we’re working on that too, so you can buy all your favorite Mondo Characters on a t-shirt instead of carving them into your forearm like you usually do.

Think of as a digital clubhouse for Mondo fans and all of their favorite Mondo characters! Or a mystical prison cube where we're holding their souls and carting them out one after another for your amusement. Whichever works for you. However you think of it, KNOW THIS: With Happy Tree Friends, Dick Figures, Gundarr and the rest of Mondo’s great stable of shows, exclusive videos and awesome games, is now THE definitive home for online animation. And anyone who says any different is a dirty liar who probably contracted syphilis from a yak. DURING SEX.
And lastly, we built this site for you, folks - so we want to know what you'd like to see on it. If you don't already, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr and let us know what you want. Because WE’RE NOT MIND READERS, no matter what those pills we bought on the Internet promised. On an unrelated note, does anyone out there know where we can off-load a bunch of generic Viagra? It’s expired, btw. MONDOMEDIA.COM – experience it now or face the wrath of 1000 teabags!

* may or may not lead to spontaneous, instantaneous Ferrari/Harrier Jet.

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