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Dick Figures Comic Contest

added on November 07, 2012
DF FANS UNITE! In honor of Dick Figures' TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY we are holding an art competition! You have two weeks to draw a THREE PANEL COMIC featuring only characters from Dick Figures. On November 18th, Ed and Zack will pick the winning comic and ANIMATE IT AS A MINI-EPISODE OF THE SHOW! WOW!
1) Comic must feature only Dick Figures characters.
2) Comic must be three panels. see example
3) Submissions due no later than November 18th, 10AM (PST)
4) Artist can submit as many comic strips as desired, you are NOT limited to a single submission.
5) Artist can use any materials to create comic (ie, digital, pen and paper, photos, crayons, glitter glue, boogers, etc).