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Mole's Sneak Peek: Without A Hitch

added on September 30, 2009

Halloween is almost upon us and, as some of you guys know, we LOVES us our All Hallowed Eve's here at Mondo. Of course, we can't let a holiday as important as Halloween go by without doing a special episode!

So, feast your eyes on the very first glimpse of "Without A Hitch." From the title and the still images, I think you'll be able to guess the main story line of this one. Some of you guys have been clamoring for more Flippy and others, more Flaky. So, we're going to kill two birds with one stone (pun intended?) and throw them in a boiling cauldron and set the whole thing on fire! Good times!

Do not adjust your monitors, this is not a test! Since it's a special episode, I thought it would be fun to do a (mostly) all black & white episode. I didn't intend to at first but writer Warren Graff asked me if that's what I was planning on doing and I thought that it was a PERFECT fit for this! So, we'll conveniently forget that Warren even suggested the idea (Warren who?) and say that it was all planned from the start.

Unless, of course, it turns out to be an utter failure. In which case, we only have Warren Graff to blame! Lynch him!!!

Check out the full episode here!