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Bubbles and Me – Divine Intervention Update

added on September 17, 2012

Here at the Bubbles and Me workshop, the Gnomes are grinding away on their axes and the Snail People are putting the finishing touches on Episode 2 – Divine Intervention. For religious reasons, the Snail People only work on Tuesdays and Thursdays (their religion is very new-age and extremely labor intensive) so we’ve had a hell of a time getting them to actually do their work. But that’s why we have the Gnomes, am I right?

So, if you need to whet your appetite (I use the Old English version of ‘wet’ because I’m an a$%hole) just take a look at our work in progress below. Bubbles and Dave seem to be terrified by something off-screen. Is it two cats having sex? Could be.

(Side note: has anyone ever seen or heard two cats having sex? It shakes you to your core. You go through the five stages grief after seeing it. It’s like they’re murdering each other. The only thing more terrifying is watching one of the Snail People eat a popsicle. Get a room, Snail Person and popsicle!)