Oh god, I hate FlippyxFlaky shippers.
Ya know what I think? I think the reason why he did'nt kill her was beacuse it's military code to not fight anyone who can't fight back. And, since Flaky couldn't really fight back in this episode, he did'nt kill her.
FlippyxFlaky is not a canon couple and it will never be. Deal with it. 31
hmm...many people are fans of flippy x flaky, and I like it too. But I think we(flippy x flaky fans and other fans) should respect their preferences. 10
I was wondering the flippy look everywhere, he sees not the flaky over the forest had not quite understand this because in other episodes he also does not seem to want to kill her 10
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megamanfan84 2 years ago
mime shouldn't have put his hand in that blender
0 0
megamanfan84 2 years ago
flipqy peeled nutty like an apple
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Alissica 4 years ago
Register and rate my young sexy pussy, please - WWW.E17.CLUB
0 2
Jason Voorhees 7 years ago
Happy Birthay Flippy
2 0
Jason Voorhees 7 years ago
Fliqpy is gay
1 0
Flippy htf 4 years ago
hey >:(
0 0
Jason Voorhees 7 years ago
1 0
WengBird 7 years ago
Mime的花生被打掉的时候哭 真的笑死我了
1 0
jelly 6 years ago
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WengBird 7 years ago
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Evan 8 years ago
candy sweets is crack cocaine to nutty you know what they say candy kills
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lesley 10 years ago
One more thing who the hell needs all of that suger
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megamanfan84 2 years ago
i agree
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lesley 10 years ago
Nutty real nice you dumb ass think before you eat
1 1
flakyflakes 11 years ago
Oh god, I hate FlippyxFlaky shippers. Ya know what I think? I think the reason why he did'nt kill her was beacuse it's military code to not fight anyone who can't fight back. And, since Flaky couldn't really fight back in this episode, he did'nt kill her. FlippyxFlaky is not a canon couple and it will never be. Deal with it.
3 1
김미소 9 years ago
Actually, some flippyxflaky fans does not respect other couples especially when they are related with flippy or flaky.
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김미소 9 years ago
hmm...many people are fans of flippy x flaky, and I like it too. But I think we(flippy x flaky fans and other fans) should respect their preferences.
1 0
angbirds 11 years ago
Did Flaky die?
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Happy Tree Friend Fangirl 8 years ago
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mixxythecheetah 11 years ago
Did flippy die?
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Roselina 8 years ago
@Evan No, it was the peanuts, not the blood
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Evan 8 years ago
no he got injured by blood allergy
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Flavia 11 years ago
I was wondering the flippy look everywhere, he sees not the flaky over the forest had not quite understand this because in other episodes he also does not seem to want to kill her
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LegoLachie 11 years ago
@Jesua maybe because he didn't recognise Flaky in her puffed up form and I think he didn't see The Mole
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