Trick or treat, Mondo fans! Halloween is just around the corner, which means a special themed episode is will be showing up soon! But this time,
YOUR CHARACTER has the chance of join in the fun!

Missed your chance during the last Video Bomb Competition? Well, don't you worry, because another fan-character will be making an appearance in this years Halloween episode.
In the spirit of Halloween, all entries must dressed up in a costume! This contest starts next week, but this gives you guys a head start for planning.
Check back on
Monday September 30 for more details.
Roxy Cat 10 years ago
How can I enter in the competition?
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Red Bell 10 years ago
And just adding, the 2 competitions are what got me to know this website, the only reason I ever came to it to use it, and create an account. Without the 2 competitions and it's characters, I see no reason to still be on it and have an account. I will still play it's games but I don't necessarily need an account to do that.
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Red Bell 10 years ago
And you don't necessarily NEED to change the design of the website back, even though I liked it way better TBH, and would love for it to be changed back, you don't NEED to do that and that's probably too much to ask anyway, but as long as the characters from the 2 competitions still live on this website, I'm grateful and happy. The fans created the characters for them to live and exist forever with all the good comments, not suddenly vanish when the websit
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Red Bell 10 years ago
Mondo we need to have a little talk. What happened to all the characters in the 2 HTF competitions? Ever since the design of the website changed, they've all disappeared. The fans worked REALLY hard on their characters with pride, and loved all the good comments that they got, and would be anything but happy to realize that all their characters vanished on the place where they were kept, this website. Myself included. It would be nice for u to find a way to get them back
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DreamLand 11 years ago I really hope this wins
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