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The Social Commentary Behind Goodwin vs. Badwin

added on October 18, 2012

From the initial inception of Goodwin vs Badwin, I've always thought of the show as a way
to express some of my viewpoints on the world via these two characters. As many people would agree, the world is a totally insane place, filled with conflict and dichotomies that make it difficult to understand humanity as a whole. While the show does delve into the underbelly of humor, it also has some pretty biting commentaries on topics such as religion.

All the episodes thus far are my favorites for various reasons, but the one in particular stands out: Golden Crosses. Josh had the idea and knocked out a script. He and I chatted and fleshed the idea out a little more and then Tony took it to a whole new level and, all in all, it's better than I ever could have imagined. Great voice work, art design, added tweaks, and visual gags aside, the idea of a drive-thru religious restaurant, to me, is really not all that absurd. In fact, it makes total sense. As we've seen technology make our lives more frantic and packed to the gills with emails, appointments. voicemails, phone calls at all hours, multitasking has been a new evolution in our behavior. Why not grab a burger and a blessing? Why not sip soda between prayers? Seems like a genius idea!

What I love about writing for Goodwin vs Badwin is that you can mine your slimy brain for general ideas, then zero in on how to tell a story that is engaging and, above all, entertaining (i.e. funny). The Mrs. Brickles episode was THE most fun to write because it took only a few minutes. The concept was simple: a crotchety old neighbor who hated her life, but was strangely immortal.

A friend of mine made the comment:


"I loved the episode because you went right for the bus smearing her across the pavement first, instead of taking an semi-obvious path of starting small then gradually getting bigger."

I'm also a musician and what I love about music, I also love about writing. In both mediums, there's a certain structure you want to maintain, but also a certain mold you want to shatter. You want people to understand what you're trying to say, and you also want them to think -- even if for a fleeting second -- before they return to their lives. With Goodwin vs. Badwin, I have a dozen more episodes ready to be fleshed out and that's what keeps me jumping out of bed in the morning. What the hell could they do next!? Tell a small story or make it huge? Will it end with a simple fart or the world splitting in half?

Oh, the possibilities!