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Crack Duck Episode 7: Zqiygyxz's Genius Machine

added on July 16, 2015

It's that time of year again. You know, that time of year when Crack-Duck comes out with a new episode? Also - it's the annual science fair in Grunge Town. An opportunity for the best and brightest minds of the city to lose to Zqiygyxz. Haha, wait, is that snake lady pregnant? Or is she just fat? Weird.


What is this infernal contraption? What's it do? It looks like a nuclear tape recorder. And is that a Megaman helmet? God, oh, wait, look at that lady's butt. In the lower left hand corner. Look at how weird that butt is. Ew. Remember in the last episode when we had to look at Skiltch's naked butt throughout the whole episode? What was that about? That seemed like a weird choice to make, creatively. It was the entire episode. I t was gross. Anyway, I hope this machine doesn't hurt anyone. Zqiygyxz isn't known for her... sanity.



Oh well.

Guess I wasn't expecting anything less, really.

Damn, is that all the pictures? What happens next? That was barely any information at all! What's that machine do? Is Crack-Duck going to be okay?

Guess we'll have to wait to find out in Crack-Duck episode 7? Right? Great. Just great.

Typical advertising BS.

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