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Game Program Attack

Game Program Attack

The Explosomagico Podcast Network!

By Game Program Attack on May 06, 2013
Hey Internet. It's me again. Joey. Game Program Attack / Destructo Box co-creator and all around angry person. You may have noticed we haven't posted any new episodes of our shows lately. We have some cool things coming up I promise. I can't tell you about them quite yet, BUT SOON! What I CAN tell you about is the new podcast fe..

Game Program Attack's Top 5 Old School Video Games

By Game Program Attack on November 16, 2012
Hey Internet. This is Joey e-talking at you from team GAME PROGRAM ATTACK! With the season of GPA drawing to a close, I decided to fire up my old NES to replay some of my favorite REAL old school games. HERE ARE SOME OF THE GAMES I PLAYED, WEEEEEE:BATTLETOADS This brutally-punishing-obvious-rip-off-of-ninja-turtles is the best g..

Super Special Production Photos from Game Program Attack!

By Game Program Attack on September 28, 2012
Hey Dudes and Lady Dudes, A brand new shiny GPA is on it’s way. Just thought I’d share a handful of SUPER SPECIAL PRODUCTION PHOTOS with you all to get your internet pants tight for an all new episode: Title page for the script. It may or may not stay the same! (We’re pretty lazy, it’ll probably stay the same.) The level design!..